Fantastic Inverts

Photographer: Chris Lukhaup

This feature article is from Tropical Fish Magazine and is about invertebrates in your fresh water fish tanks. The article covers inverts raging from crabs to shrimp and to crayfish. The article not only includes information about these creatures but also information about setting up tanks for them. The article includes subsections about the invertebrates each describing everything from their histories to their breeding patterns.

This article covers nearly everything that is needed to know about freshwater invertebrates in aquariums at a surface level. It gives the reader enough knowledge to decide if they want these organisms in their tanks or not. The article covers enough information for readers to even set up their own crayfish and shrimp tanks. After reading this article, you could easily have a conversation with another person about fresh water invertebrates. The amount of depth the article goes in to some of their invertebrate topics is enough to grab a reader’s attention and should grab a fish keeper’s attention.

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