The Father of the Planted Tank: Takashi Amano

Takashi Amano.jpg

Takashi Amano was a professional track cyclist, photographer, designer, and aquarist. He is known for his three book series of Nature Aquarium World and was the CEO of Aqua Design Amano (ADA). He is also known for introducing the Amano shrimp to the aquarium world and thus the shrimp was named after him. Throughout his photography and cycling career, he visited many parts of the world. He photographed and observed the Amazon, Borneo, and West African rain forests focusing on the idea of “untouched nature”. Though his photographs and in combination with traditional Japanese gardening, Takashi Amano created distinctive styles of plant layout in aquariums. Though he passed away in 2015, his legacy lives on in his company and people continue to admire and try to imitate his works.

I’d like to interview Mr. Takashi Amano because his life and works are relevant to what I am interested in. I would love to see his insights in how aquascapes have evolved over time how they are continuing to evolve with the addition of new technologies. I believe that the general public would be interested in his work because he pushes for the preservation of nature and the study of ecology.


  1. With your experience in ecology in mind, how do you feel about today’s world and the destruction of nature?
  2. How do you feel about today’s technology in aquascaping and in the aquarium hobby?
  3. Did you expect ADA to be the freshwater planted aquarium industry standard when you first created it?
  4. If you could would you look in to oceanography and saltwater aquariums?
  5. How do you feel about taking recently or newly discovered species, both plant and animal life and adding them to the aquarium trade?
Gremlin The Amano Shrimp

2 thoughts on “The Father of the Planted Tank: Takashi Amano

  1. YESSSSS THIS IS ON AQUASCAPING?! I still don’t quite have a full understanding to what this person does, or what aquascaping is (aside from the fact that I definently already know what aquascaping is) because the terminology of your post is pretty specific. I love everything else though, I even looked up the dude online.


  2. I had no idea so much thought can go into personal aquariums. I guess they are underwater gardens if you think about it. It’s interesting to think about how our personal hobbies relate to nature and the world.


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