Tank Comparisons


I started off a little over two years ago with this aquarium kit after my first one shattered suddenly. During the time I had a betta fish and I couldn’t use it’s prepackaged filter so I bought a sponge filter. The price point of the tank was what drew me in. At only $30, this tank was a jump start for me to get in to the hobby. After unpacking it, I saw that the tank had thick glass and strong silicone seals unlike my first one that shattered. Though this tank did its job for me, it basically only held water. For it’s price point it makes sense though. I only bought it for $30. I noticed the tank’s lights were weak and in return, it couldn’t support plant life. I eventually got bored of it because it’s dimensions were plain and though it did the job for me, I never really enjoyed my options with the tank and how it looked. I bought the most standard tank with the most standard equipment. Nothing fancy.

Fluval Flex 9 Gallon
My Current Tank

With it’s sleek bow front and webbed accents at the top of the tank, its no wonder why this tank is a best seller. The Fluval Flex 9 Gallon is a fish tank kit that is priced at around $89. The Flex has powerful LED lights that can support an array of plant life and can simulate times of day with it’s RGB lighting system. This tank comes with it’s own filtration hidden in the back of the tank and is quiet as well as powerful. Tank maintenance is also a breeze with it’s three chambered filtration system. Through the back of the tank one can draw water out without ruining the tank or bothering the inhabitants. With it’s unique shape and powerful lights, the way the customer decides to design their tank is completely up to them. At $89, the Fluval Flex has all a hobbyist needs to start their own planted tank.

2 thoughts on “Tank Comparisons

  1. Elizabeth Rosser October 8, 2019 — 10:42 pm

    I really like the look of the second tank you reviewed. Can it house fish as well as plants? I might consider this tank if I purchase a beta fish, but I wouldn’t want him to be harmed by the filtration system if it’s built for plants only.


  2. Elizabeth Rosser October 8, 2019 — 10:43 pm

    Nevermind! I just reread your review and you mention that it’s a fish tank, not a plant tank. I was confused by your last sentence.


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