Local Fish Store Turns Two Years Old

In a world where big corporations seemly rule the world, the mom and pops types of shops are becoming more and more scarce. Infinite Aquarium is one of those mom and pops type stores. Infinite Aquarium in Santa Clara, California feels like a place run by hobbyists for hobbyists. Sandwiched between a PetSmart and a Petco, they face big competition but are doing well. Owners Steve and Jimmy are extremely helpful and friendly. They are always conversational with their customers and make them feel right at home. The knowledge and atmosphere they bring draws customers that are both veterans and beginners of the hobby in to their store. Coming up shortly is their two year anniversary. Steve and Jimmy are extremely grateful for their loyal customer base and want to give back to their customers.
A satisfied customer has said, “You guy’s are the best! And I count you both as my friends!!💙” Be sure to be on the look out in the coming weeks as they will have an event on an upcoming Saturday that entails a community BBQ and a sale. You can check them out at https://www.facebook.com/eskimomoney/ for more information.

Both Gremlin and Nacho were from Infinite Aquarium.

1 thought on “Local Fish Store Turns Two Years Old

  1. My dad used to get the fishes for our aquarium from a mom and pop too. I assume the customer who left the nice comment posted that comment online somewhere? If the store has some kind of social media, it would be nice to know (how do we know about the community BBQ otherwise?)

    It took me awhile to find Gremlin and Nacho 🙂


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