Update and The Differences Between Neocaridina and Caridina Shrimp

So Very Overgrown Now

I raise caridina cantonensis and neocaridina davidi in my 10 gallon aquarium. Both species are in demand as aquarium pets. The two species are a like in appearance in many ways but they are very different. The main difference between the two are that their “parts” or genitalia are different. For that reason in particular, they cannot interbreed.

Caridina Shrimp

Caridina shrimp are a subspecies of shrimp that come from the region of China. Caridina shrimp prefer lower PH or softer water and lower temperatures similar to the native streams that they come from.These shrimp are also harder to keep because of these circumstances and are often referred to as the “advanced” shrimp. Compared the neocaridina, these shrimp are much more difficult to keep alive and start a colony with and because of that their prices are generally higher in the aquarium trade.

Caridina shrimp don’t revert back to wild colors such as brown or clear when they interbreed with shrimp of the same species but with different color or pattern morphs . Unlike neocaridina shrimp, caridina can be mixed among their own species creating color morphs and patterns unique with each shrimp. The variant I keep currently are called tangerine tigers and I hope to establish a colony to use and breed with other Caridina shrimp in the future.

Neocaridina Shrimp

Unlike their caridina cousins, neocaridina come from the mountains of Taiwan. These shrimp are very different from their cousins, they prefer harder water or high PH and are a breeze to raise and breed. These shrimp make great starters for beginners and advanced fish people alike. They are relatively inexpensive so they are great additions to any tank.

Thought both caridina and neocaridina shrimp come in a bunch of different colors, don’t mix these shrimp’s colors though. Unlike their caridina cousins, their colors become brown or clear overtime. The shrimp I keep curently are a blue variant called the blue diamonds and I used to keep a red variant called cherry or fire red shrimp. Even though their colors have different names, they are all the same species.

Gremlin the amano shrimp has decided to emerge from the filter and grace us with his presence.
Gremlin is neither caridina cantonensis or neocaridina davidi)

2 thoughts on “Update and The Differences Between Neocaridina and Caridina Shrimp

  1. I recently went to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and think I saw a Cardinia shrimp! I had no idea they were in such high demand. You provided great distinction between both shrimp and I like how you even tell us that certain shrimp are better suited for certain pet owners!


  2. This piece had a scientific feel to it and was informative. There’s nice detail in here that explains where each of the species comes from and the environment that’s needed for them. The picture adds a nice touch to see what these creatures actually look like.


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