Who Am I?

Hello, I am Bryan. I am a Bay Area native and I enjoy fish keeping as a hobby. I want to share and educate people about my hobby. In my tank, I am raising and breeding neocaridina and caridina shrimp. These shrimp are kept with a few other peaceful tank mates. The neocaridina species color variants I am raising in my tank are blue diamond and the caridina species variants are tangerine tigers. My posts will mostly be about the inhabitants in this tank. This tank has been set up for seven months now and the inhabitants have changed multiple times already. The tank is stable and current inhabitants are thriving. Through this blog I am going to post weekly updates of my aquarium to record the progress of the inhabitants and hopefully inspire more people to partake in the fish keeping hobby.

Who Are the Inhabitants?

This is Nacho. Nacho is a young super red bristlenose pleco. Nacho is currently the only fish in this tank.
This is one of the shrimp in this tank. She is one of the neocaridina species variants and is currently carrying a large clutch of eggs.
Here are some of the caridina species in my tank pictured with some of the neocaridina shrimp. The orange ones with stripes are known as tangerine tigers. The blue ones are known as blue diamonds.
This is a pink ramshorn snail. These snails will be very abundant in this tank and come in a variety of colors.
This is a malaysian trumpet snail. They are also very abundant in the tank and will be seen often in photographs.

2 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. I really like that you used photos, it helps a lot with the imagery. The writing itself is very informative. I like your topic! It’s very interesting. Overall, I’m glad that your introduction to the blog also introduced specific fish and shrimp, as well as information on the species. I think this is a great way to start.


  2. Hi Bryan,

    I loved this post! I applaud anyone who can successfully maintain a tank like this—I know it’s a lot of hard work! I’m really looking forward to seeing updates on this tank and its inhabitants in the future. Side note: Nacho is so cute, and even though Gremlin wasn’t pictured I think he is my favorite because he has the best name and is very relatable.


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